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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lost in Space

I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

After a searlingly long summer (I know, I know, this too shall pass) I'll be off for a short adventure to the Davis Mountains in west Texas.

Mountains you think?  In Texas? Yes, Sherlock, and there's a few more where those came from.  Texas is a big, big place. So large in fact, it will take TEN hours by car to get there. And I don't even care.  That's a lot of time to think and mediate about where we need to go and how to get there in the cancer arena.

The last week in cancer has been a rollercoaster.  I've written already about ovarian cancer, and @sonsalli circulated a great quiz on ovarian cancer symptoms you can review to educate yourself.

My rule of thumb is this:  if I'm having any unusual symptom (a ping, a pang, a swelling, rashing ...any lumps, bumps, fullness, shortness of breath or pain) that persists for three weeks or more? I call my physician.  Seriously. After cancer you become hypersensitive to body changes....as you well know. The 'three week rule' helps keep my anxieties and imagination in check. Some of you may have different experiences or self-checks tips -- please share them!

September is also thyroid cancer awareness (I posted some information from U.S. Oncology) and yesterday was World Lymphoma Awareness Day.  This morning the irrepresible Alicia Staley (@stales) posted a quick read on legislation to recognize blood cancer awareness month.  Blood cancers are diagnosed at a rate of one person every four minutes and, according to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, result from an acquired genetic injury to the DNA of a single cell.  That's it.  All the ensuing cellular mayhem can steal a life.

Here's our mantra:  do all we can, as we can, to guard our health and keep cancer in the opposite corner until we stomp it out for all. This morning Marie (@jbbc) published a list of  'brain foods' for fighting chemo-brain -- all good stuff!

But for now...and this weekend and the Davis Mountains.  On Saturday I'll be participating in the Fort Davis Cyclefest, a two-day cycling event for some total kick-butt training. Saturday's ride is 50 miles. The climb on Sunday ends at the famed McDonald Observatory you see above. The final ascent (1.7 miles total) has been known to take down the most experienced so I'm planning in advance:  I'm hiking it and have no shame saying so!  Counting on some star gazing too, in Marfa, home of the infamous Marfa Lights, inexplicable visual flickerings in the middle of, yes, nowhere.

I'll let you know if we encounter any extraterrestrials:)  How cool would that be?

Until next week,

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