jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Living a better life

I have decided I need to take steps to improve my life (well our lives because this includes my husband). This has taken some thought to get here but I have come up with these:
  1. We need to eat better. I talk about it. I try to but not there yet. I can tell this because of my bulging waistline. My husband has a similar problem. More vegetables and grains. Less fats, etc. You know all of that but there is always room for improvement.
  2. We need to do more things together. Last weekend we on a day trip adventure to an ocean front state park in New Hampshire, just over an hour away. We walked on shady trails, sat on the rocks and watched the ocean roll in and admired the view of the offshore islands and closer lighthouses. Then we went for a late lunch, a little shopping and home. I have already planned our next trip in a few weeks. We need time at home this weekend to get some things done. Besides it would be less fun if we went on a day trip every weekend.
  3. I need to take better care of my appearance. I get regular hair cuts and get my nails done. But I dress like a slob I have decided. A casual top and dockers does not a fancy outfit make. I used to work in Boston in an office where wearing a suit was considered suitable. I stopped working in the city 7 1/2 years ago by choice and have gotten very casual. I actually went clothes shopping and bought some tops that push my boundaries of being a little dressier and even bought a dress(!). Today is the first day of new attire at work. We'll see how it goes. My husband does dress nicely every day in a button down shirt and sometimes even a tie so he is not a problem here.
That's it for now but I think its plenty.One step at a time. I have found being sick allows me to get more casual. Who spends time on their appearance when you feel like crap? Also, business offices where I have worked have gotten more and more casual over the years. Where I work now, jeans do appear on co-workers.

This is part of living a better life. I need to do other things but I'll get to them. Getting together more often with friends. Going out more socially than I have been doing. Step by step we can live a better life.

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