jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I love how they call it a "swap", makes me think of a swap met. Everything good yesterday. The doctor was  running a little late but we did not complain. After all I didn't want him to take it out on me. In a strange small world the women he did before me is friends with my good friend Lorrie, so I didn't want him to rush her. The nurses were all fantastic, my post and recovery nerve even found me a princess sticker! Genevieve was there snappy photos in really bad light, MC was there to keep the joking going strong. My sister was there on time none the less! My dad and G-Deb came and both did an exceptional job of not crying. Tom of course was there rocking a Stupid Dumb Breast cancer shirt. It was a small room but all fit in there chatting away. It was great to have them all there to keep my mind off of the surgery.

Of course I rocked some sparkly heels to give me even more attitude. Again the staff did not know what to make of me. Oh, and my surgery nurse is cousins with my neighbors growing up  and her BF is my cousins sister in law! And some other nurse knew some people from the Nort side that my dad was making the Italian connection. Most of the staff had heard about Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer and that was awesome! I left some business cards just in case there were ones that didn't.

We waiting patiently until the doc finished but when I saw him in the hall I felt much better. The    anesthesiologist came in to administer my sleepy nice nice medicine and had a hard time not looking at my shoes or Tom's shirt. She was sweet and quick, even better in my book! It was time to be wheeled off to OR. The drugs started to kick in and it felt like a big ol bong hit, yes I said that but have no memory. I do not even remember going past my peeps, gotta love those pharmaceuticals! I chatted with the staff while getting prepped, can't wait to hear what I said. I am pretty sure it was not at all inappropriate in the least. Well maybe a little. 

I woke up in recovery with my fabulous nurses ready to help. I had that anesthesia feeling, so groovy and uncontrollable. After being wheeled into the larger room I had the pleasure of meeting my friend' s friend, damn drugs can't remember her name! She looked great while I looked green. I hope that we can connect soon. The staff in that area was fabulous too. I feel so lucky to have had amazing doctors and nurse and other hospital staff. There is nothing there to bitch about.

I was out of it last night, groggy and tired. We enjoyed a delicious stew thanks to Stephanie which was the perfect thing for my nausea. Before surgery. I really wanted a McMuffin which I found out had ham. If you want it to have sausage then it's a sausage  McMuffin, who know!? I also wanted Fried fish sandwich, you would thought I was pregnant! So today I will rest and watch Teen Mom or Honey Boo Boo. The pain last night was strong then the drugs given but manageable. Funny how even pulling your pants up was hard. I can not wait to wrap my chest and see what it looks like. Nor can I wait to shower and wear deodorant and lotion. As my husband pointed out I look ashy! I feel better today and am so excited to be drinking a coffee with pumpkin spice. A big huge shout out to Joyce, Kelly and Dave' family and mu cousin Denise for registering for the race  yesterday, that made my day. now the rest of you fools get on that! Thanks so much for all your well wishes, good vibes and prayers. I really love it and can feel that positive energy. As the body takes time to heal  physically the mind has heal as week. That is why I insist on positive energy to help me through this. That and a killer pair of stilettos!

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